In response to: >>this post<<

PS: I didn’t have to clean up any of my vomit. I woke up in the morning and the vomit from the hallway was gone, even though the smell still lingered—as my roommate so graciously informed me. The vomit on the toilet was cleaned up by another guy on our floor so we all wouldn’t have to pay for the cleaning bill. It was really considerate, and I wanted to thank him, but he was one of the “popular” people on our floor, and I was one of the “people you forget live on our floor”, and felt too insignificant to approach him.

It’s finally happened…

…that Cody Simpson song has become catchy. This is why I should never watch the Disney channel. I knew things were going to be bad when I saw the video come on and started to get slightly excited. Then before I knew it I was singing the song in my head.

"What y'all know about catching flies?"

I wish I could say this is the first time something like this has happened to me. But sadly I remember a certain song by a certain Disney star whose mouth seems permanently open with a weird accent that I would say is country, but I was sure she spent most of her life in LA. Yes. Miley Cyrus. I was innocently listening to the radio and overtime I came to anticipate the song being played on the radio. Then the worst possible thing happened… I put the song on my iPod. It was done like Donkey Kong.

While Cody and I don’t have the same level of iPod intimacy that I share with Miley, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time, for the will in this one is weak. so weak.