Does a feminist cry everytime a woman buys an epilator?

I think I saw this in Saw IV

Let me explain what an epilator is. An epilator is a device that looks rather like an electric razor that uses some magical force to pluck dozens of hairs out of your body at once. When my friend first mentioned this device to me I have to say I was more than a little interested. There was some mention of expense and pain, but I paid little attention to these things.

In a review it said you probably shouldn’t use this on your private areas. Anyone who looked at this and thought it would be okay for their private areas deserves what’s coming to them.

I would like to paint a picture of a girl with coarse leg hair, large pores, and overall poor skill in conducting at-home waxing. This girl is me. My leg hair grows back the next day, my leg almost never feels smooth, and the pores on my cankles can be seen from miles away. So I’m sure you can understand why the idea of having my hairs cleanly ripped from my leg, and then having said hair grow back lighter and thinner would appeal to me.

"With my awesome muscles I will distract you from my leg hair"

The many videos on You Tube I watched of people using these devices and their obvious pain did not deter me. The $150-500 price, however, did deter me.

The conclusion to all of this? I bought that Venus Breeze with the shave gel bars and resigned myself to simply shaving. Maybe if I get really ripped calf muscles people won’t pay attention to the hair on them?